World Cargo Express

+44(0)330 0880 718

 [email protected]

+44(0)330 0880 718    |   [email protected]

UK & EU Package Collections

UK/Domestic courier collections  
Package type First piece Each additional piece Maximum weight per piece Maximum dimensions per piece
Box/Bag/Suitcase/Luggage £25.00 £15.00 30 kg Variable
Pallet £85.00 £75.00 300 kg 120x100x160 Cms
World Cargo Express Van Our Van does collections every Tuesday from South of UK and Midlands. We charge flat rate irrespective of No. of packages or weight. This is very cost saving service to all our customers.
Pallet Collections from EU Countries
Package type First piece Each additional piece Maximum weight per piece Maximum dimensions per piece
Pallet/Crate £350.00 £300.00 300 kg 120x100x160 Cms